Finance is a field that is concerned with the allocation (investment) of assets and space and time, often under condition of risk or uncertainity. Finance can also be defined as the art of money management. Participants in the market aim to proce assets based on their risk level, fundamental value, and their expected rate of return. Finance can be split into three sub-categories: Public Finance, Corporate Finance and Personal FInance.




An operational defineition is the articulation of operationalization (or statement of procedures) used in defining terms of a process (or set if validation tests) needed to determine the nature of an item or phenomena (a variable, tetrm, or object) and its properties such as duration, quantitiy, extension in space, chemical composition, etc. Since the degree of operationalization can vary itself, repeatable by anyone or atleast by peers. An example of operational definition of the term weight of an object operationalized to a degree, would be the following:"weight is the numbers that appear when the object is placed on weighing scale". According to it, the weight can be any of the number shown on the scale after and indulging the very moment the object is put on it. Clearly, the inclusion of the moment when one can start reading the number on the scale would make it more specific.



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Due diligence is the investigation or excercise of care that a reasonable business or person os expected to take before entering into an agreemetn or contract with another party, or an act with a certain standard of care. It can be a legal obligation, bu the term will more commonly apply to voluntary investigations. A common example of due diligence in various industries is the process through which a potential aquirer evaluates a target company or its assets for an aquisition. The theory behind due diligence holds that performing this type of investigation contributes sugnificantly to informed decision making by enhancing the amount and quality of information available to decision makers and by ensuring that this information is systematically used to deliberate in a reflexive manner on the decision at hand and all its costs, benefits, and risks
